Hello, I’m Fadi Sarwat, a software engineer who loves solving problems.

Since I was a kid, I’ve been fascinated by computers. I remember thinking that the internet was the most amazing invention ever, and I wanted to learn how to build websites. I started learning to code when I was 14, and I’ve been hooked ever since.

I was playing minecraft when I was 14 and wanted to build a server to play with my friend but I didn’t have any knowledge on how to do it. So I started learning how to code and build a server from scratch. I started learning Java and then I started creating small plugins for my server. It was the start of my journey in the software engineering world.

When I grew older, I delved deeper into web development and began building websites for enjoyment. I started learning PHP and created a chat application. Then, I got into full-stack development, enjoying the process very much. My journey led me to explore more technologies and languages, such as Laravel, Vue.js, and JavaScript.

Today, I’m invested in developing systems and applications that solve real-world problems. Always looking for new challenges, I passionately take on opportunities to improve my knowledge and skills.